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At the request of our partnership organisations we are now registered with the ICO for purposes of sharing data in respect of our incident reporting APP.

Organisation name:  Trentlink
Reference:  ZB698226

This is our new APP which you can download to your iphone or android it contains the following direct links;

a) The current colour status of the Tidal section of the Trent under our jurisdiction from Keadby to Cromwell.

b) The buddy board for posting your inentions regards your voyage and the opportunity to team up.

c) Member support tickets-any technical issues regards access to the site or technical support and advice regards your navigation plans.

d) BRIEF – Reporting form for any issues you come across between Keady to Nottingham i.e lock access or booking issues, debris, grounding, anti social behaviour all of these reports will be forwarded to the teams concerned.

Very shortly along with our partners we are launching a safe zone for mooring in the beautiful town of Newark on Trent a favourite amongst visiting boaters. Whilst incidents of anti-social behaviour are few and far between, specific safe areas covered with CCTV, improved lighting, increased Police Patrols and an incident reporting form are measures we are taking to ensure peace of mind.

What we would like to do is extend this scheme to all of the main towns and cities along the Trent.

We are pleased to announce that we have now signed a partnership agreement with the Canal & River Trust so that we can carry out necessary upgrades to the Navigation markers and trim vegetation etc along with our willing volunteers.

If you would like to help with our volunteers, it’s not onerous you can dip in and dip out when availability allows just contact:

Brian Sharples